Rose Womb Activation

Rose Womb Activation 🌹🌹🌹

🌹This Session is for Women who wish to step fuller into their Sacred Feminine Energy releasing  guilt and shame around womanhood  principles and about sexuality.

🌹This session is infused with the essence of Rose energy as we call upon Divine Mother and Feminine Energies, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary to bless and guide us with powerful downloads & activations for wholesome womb restauration 

🌹Through Love Codes Meditation we are OPENING and expand Heart Chakra, connecting  with Ascended Reiki Master Goddess Quan Yin and her transformational messages of Compassion and Kindness 

🌹Healing Sacral Chakra – Womb Clearing and Activation with Mother Mary Peaceful Energy restoring to Sacred Innocence while Mary Magdalene restores you back into original state of Sacred Feminine Power

During Session

🌹Healthy Yoni & Breasts education, practices & tools 

🌹Womb & Heart Meditation 

🌹Mary Magdalene Oracle Guidance 

🌹Love Frequency Reiki Activation 

🌹Rose flowers, Rose water 

🌹Crystals Energy Restoration 

🌹Sound Crystal Bowls 

🌹Aromatherapy to open up Deep Trust of Surrendering to Holy Sacred Life 

🎁 Beautiful Gift to further support your feminine exploration 

I feel Graceful Joy in my Heart, Body and Soul to create your special Womb Session. Together we work towards the Activation and Embodiment of your Feminine Essence to a Happy and Fulfilled Woman

I’m honored and looking forward to serve you 🙏🏻 🌹🕊✨

DNA Activation a Journey of Self Illumination 🧬🧬🧬

This session is for explorers of mystical inner wisdom by understanding your personal DNA codes 

🧬Based on a system called the Gene Keys we are able to unlock the mystery of your life and dive deep into the truth of your Soul’s essence 

🧬 This wisdom is alive, alchemical, revelatory both deeply mystical and very practical and is here to support you during this time of great change and awakening

🧬 Creating your DNA Hologenetic Profile based on your date of birth you will discover the Life’s Map of your Consciousness

🧬 This is a point of revelation of your Divine Blue Print and activation of your Soul Gifts 

🧬 The Gene Keys teaches you how to prosper through your unique creative gifts and never walk blindly on your life path 

🧬 Deep dive into decoding the 3 main pathways of your life while accessing your Genius 

🧬 Learning how to navigate each life path releasing the genetic pain, ancestral Karma and family wounds restoring you back to your Soul’s true essence

1. Activation Sequence: discovering the meanings of your conscious and     subconscious mind and how to navigate mindfully activating your Genius 

2. Venus Sequence : opening your heart beyond wounds & journey to wholeness

3.Pearl Sequence: The Prosperity path through service creating harmony and abundance

🧬 Bonus : A beautiful print of your DNA Profile and description to help you stay in touch with the vision of your life map 

This is a very dynamic session filled with inspiration and illumination of your inner world reveling your unique Gifts and activating your practical Wisdom.

I am Grateful to be a vessel of transmission for your life mission guiding you towards embodiment of your true Genius

What Our Client says

  • Michelle Sloan
    Nicoleta opens her heart and her home for you to reset, heal and let go so you can move forward to live your best life. Her knowledge is profound and her passion for Reiki is awe inspiring. I left my womb energetic healing session more aligned and lighter physical and mentally. During session and after I felt nourished, nurtured and held in a sweet warmth energetic cocoon that helped me connect with my feminine essence days after our session. I highly recommend working with Nicoleta for your personal growth and your souls evolution ✨
    Michelle Sloan