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Breathe in…breathe out. Now, take that idea of conscious breathwork and let’s add some movement and fun! Through the practice of Yoga, I have been able to find harmony and a playful balance between the mind, body, and soul. By incorporating this ancient art into your daily routine, you will become less reactive in stressful times and learn to stand your ground firmly. I am certain, that simply reconnecting with your breath, you can begin to raise your vibrancy to match that of your higher self!  



Don’t turn away now! Meditation does not have to be a scary thing! Turning inward has many life-changing rewards, and does not necessarily mean sitting cross legged in silence for hours. My unique understanding of meditation has expanded my vision, to where I am able to see all of life’s expressions as one vibrant meditation. It will bring you to a point of great peace, allowing you to flow more easily with life’s ever-changing currents and experience less inner conflict.  

 Being more at ease mentally and emotionally allows the body to be relaxed, the mind to be clear and the soul to be free to experience a life lived vibrantly!   



Are you in need of guidance through this exciting thing we call life? I am a dedicated spiritual life coach, committed to bringing happiness, fulfillment and vibrancy into my clients lives. By giving you the tools to raise your confidence, you can start achieving your goals and ultimately create your own vibrant reality! With this foundation, I allow my clients to step into their own empowerment, and actualize their dreams. You are supported and valued, so let’s raise the bar in your life and attain the greatness you deserve! 



To live vibrantly, we must be able to transcend the idea that self-help must be a rigid task, rather than a fun and exciting journey! As an empath and intuitive, I am divinely guided to share with you the gifts that I have been given. I will gently guide you to personal wholeness and self-love, which I feel are the basis of happiness and peace. My goal is to help you evolve into a higher consciousness, through the help of divine guidance. Allow me to help you open yourself up to this elevated sense of wellbeing!    



Have you ever tried the healing energy of Reiki?

The sweet calm Reiki energy which is the life force energy and flows all around us. 


Access Consciouness

Access Consciousness is a set of tools and processes that are designed to facilitate more consciousness for everyone. Consciousness includes everything without judgment.

There are 32 points on the head when gently touched, effortlessly, and easily release anything that stops you from feeling joy and ease in your life.These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored.

Access Bars help transmute, transcend and transform limited beliefs, thoughts, judgments, patterns and agendas. It bypasses your logical mind and opens you up to new awareness, different possibilities, creativity and powerful manifestations.

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